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Get From "I Am Not Sure Of Who I Am Anymore" to

"I Am On My Path

To Purpose"

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Join Coach Cookie as she walks you through her process responsible for self-rediscoveries, personal breakthroughs and finally finding healing from the past and freedom from mental-emotional overwhelm. 

Join this online 5-day dynamic challenge now for just P199!

Next Challenge on July 12, 2021

Your Information Is 100% Secure And

Will Not Be Shared With Anyone.

In This 5-Day "Rediscover Your True Self Challenge," You Will Experience My Favorite Breakthrough Secrets Including...

How I helped hundreds of clients rediscover their true identity...


The technique I use to help people erase their limiting beliefs and weak spots for good...


The tool I give private clients to help them gain clarity on what they can do during this most trying times by unboxing their real strengths and identifying opportunities for growth...


Plus, you'll receive my powerful Self Forgiveness Guided Exercise which helps so many of my clients heal themselves emotionally and mentally. (Php950 Value!)

Yes, I will come alongside you so you can rediscover who you are and find a path to a breakthrough that will usher in your mental-emotional freedom!


And here's the cherry on top...


You pay ONLY Php199.00!


Yes! You read that right! It's just Php199 for the (5) Days of dynamic breakthroughs PLUS bonuses!


Now your skeptical mind might be asking...


"Okay, so what's the catch? Why is Coach Cookie not charging more for this experience?


I completely understand how you feel, dear friend, because our lives today are so bombarded by half-baked promises and lies...


So many aspects of our lives is uncertain and a promise for a breakthrough WITHOUT paying thousands for it seems too good to be true!


Well, if you know me and my work, you will have already known that I love coming alongside people... espectially to help them find a breakthrough!


Why? Because that is part of my life's purpose. 


I realized along my equipping journey that helping people experience their personal breakthroughs, especially one that automatically frees them from their overwhelm gives back a priceless ten-fold blessing to me. 

Besides, real breakthroughs CAN happen even if people don't spend MUCH money for a time with a life coach or NLP practitioner. 


I especially understand that the times we are living in right now is full of uncertainty. 


People have lost their jobs and this economic downturn is leaving so many individuals emotionally, mentally and most importantly, financially vulnerable!


So many are sucked into the pit of despondency and there's just too many people out there feeling completely lost in their journey.


They no longer know who the person in the mirror is and all they could think of is that dream of a fulfilled and abundantly amazing life that is more elusive now than ever.


And so I want to come alongside many of you today to do my part of contribution to our hurting world.


But why not just make this challenge FREE in the first place?

Good question! Well, I actually had this challenge before and DID NOT charge anything for it. What I found out was that there is a LOAD of FREE information out there on the internet today that people get SATURATED by.


And what is supposed to be an effective experience now becomes a less impactful one because it's just free and people don't take it seriously.


It's just how the brain works. You don't pay attention to anything free anymore. Take those free reading materials you get at the doctor's office, for example. Or those free reading materials that some religious organizations give out for free. Do you read them? Nope! Because you didn't pay for it, your brain automatically won't find value in it.


What works, though, is this... WHEN YOU INVEST INTO SOMETHING, no matter how small the investment is, the brain gets into SERIOUS WORK MODE!


So, because I know there will be a LOT of people who can rediscover themselves and break free from their overwhelm even in this uncertain time, I'd like to make sure they'll COMMIT to themselves while doing the challenge.


I also know that as they break free they can become the greatness they have been created to be so that they too can continue shining the light into the darkness that is out there today.


One last reason that I'm only charging Php199 is that by the end of this challenge I'll be offering a few people to work closely with me for more one-on-one, in-depth breakthrough work or training.  



You can have me come alongside you to hold your hand, work through your specific personal barriers and break  every single wall you have within you so you can overcome your mental-emotional overwhelm and live the amazing life you've always had in your dreams!


Best thing about this is...


You're not required to get into that program


You, my dear beautiful soul, will still have the opportunity to rediscover your brilliance and experience some of the techniques that helped so many of my clients find healing and power within in the five days we will be together...


Sounds great? 


I'll see you on July 12!


See you on the inside.



They experienced their breakthroughs. And so can you.

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Hazel L.

I can't thank you enough, Coach, for the BIG difference you've made in my life. I was haunted by a past memory for 20 years and carried its heaviest load for 3 years before I met you. I was initially afraid during our session but you assured me that you will be there every step of the way. It's like MAGIC happened during our session together! The weight of the world on my shoulders was gone. I felt free. I can totally move forward now. Thank you.

A Woman Wearing a Sun Hat


Neuronurse in Iceland 

(Private Client)

I consider Coach Cookie as a blessing sent from the heavens. I was struggling with stress in all aspects of life few years back. I felt lost, doomed and alone. Though I am an outgoing person, I found it hard to open up with what I felt. I knew I really needed someone to talk to, whom I can freely express the things inside me. Then I heard about the sessions with Coach Cookie and without a doubt I contacted her and had a session before I left the Philippines as an OFW. I found the session helpful and wished that my family members should experience it too. Just last month, we had a family crisis and Coach Cookie was the first person who came into my mind. I may be far away but she never hesitated to help us out amidst the still on going pandemic. Not a single inch of regret that I felt about her assistance. Whenever I feel a commotion going on in my life, I always apply what Coach Cookie taught me during our session. This minimizes my anxiety, focus on the present and looking forward to the future.


Leah M.

After what happened to me, I used to dwell so much on so many feelings that did not serve me well. I was literally broken. I have God who sustained me during those very troublesome times in my life and then He sent me you. You've taught me how to conquer my fears, manage my emotions and unleash my greatness, Coach. You have taught me how to step up and finally progress to the LIFE I have today. Thank you.

A Woman Wearing a Sun Hat


(Private Client)

Coach Cookie is a commendable Coach. She lectures and guides you all throughout her sessions thus, rendering you overwhelmed with a calming, peaceful and positive outlook in life.

A rare find.

In our society today where anxiety is the leading cause of meltdown, I’d say that we need more coaches like her.

©2020 by C Academy.

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